- Sherkulov Kodir Usmonkulovich, Davlatov Salim Sulaymonovich
1 - Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand; 2 - Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara
In recent years, there has been a tendency in industrialized countries to an increase in combined diseases of the anal canal and rectum, requiring surgical treatment. Patients with hemorrhoids, acute paraproctitis, chronic fissure of the anal canal, rectal fistulas, polyps of the anal canal and rectum account for 19-42% in the structure of coloproctological morbidity. An analysis of the literature indicates the expediency of performing combined operations. To date, indications and contraindications for performing one-stage operations for non-tumor pathology of the anal canal and rectum have not been sufficiently developed. There is no optimal treatment algorithm for combined proctologic pathology. Some operations need to be modified to improve the effectiveness of treatment. All this formed the basis for this study.
Ключевые слова
combined non-tumor pathology, anal canal, rectum, rectal fistulas.
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- Дата публикации: 3.09.2023
- DOI:
- Выпуск: 4 ( 2023 ). Проблемы биологии и медицини
- Раздел: Обзор литературы
Sherkulov Kodir Usmonkulovich, Davlatov Salim Sulaymonovich REVIEW OF THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF COMBINED NON-TUMOR PATHOLOGY OF THE RECTUM AND ANAL CANAL// Проблемы биологии и медицины. - 2023. №4. Том. 146. - С. 326-332. DOI: -
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