- Avazova T.A., Ziyadullaev Sh.Kh., Akhmedov I.A.
Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand
40 persons with MS were examined. All persons determined by the content IL-6, IL -17 in the blood serum before and after immune disorders correctiveby Ursosan forte. It is established that the MS increases the level of IL-6 and IL-17. The therapy had a positive impact on cytokine status.
Калит сузлар
metabolic syndrome, immune disorders, ursosan, cytokine status.
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- Чоп этиш санаси: 1.05.2023
- DOI:
- Сон: 2 ( 2023 ). Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари
- Булим: Клиник тадқиқот
Avazova T.A., Ziyadullaev Sh.Kh., Akhmedov I.A. EFFICIENCY OF THE USING THE PREPARATION URSOSAN FORTE IN PATIENTS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME// Проблемы биологии и медицины. - 2023. №2. Том. 143. - С. 21-24. DOI: http://doi.org/ -
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