- Ziyadullaev Sh.Kh., Rustamov A.A., Voseyeva D.H.
Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand
In patients recovering from COVID-19, this article investigates the genetic risk factors connected to the emergence of allergy disorders. It addresses the intricate relationship between genes and immunological reactions, highlighting the possible significance of genes implicated in immune control, inflammation, and barrier function. In order to fully understand the genetic landscape of allergy disorders after COVID-19, additional study is required, and the article underlines the clinical consequences of finding genetic risk factors. In conclusion, this study offers insightful information about the genetic components of allergic illnesses in the context of COVID-19, opening the door to individualized treatment plans and enhanced patient care.
Калит сузлар
genetic risk factors, allergic diseases, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, predisposition, immune response, genetics, susceptibility, polymorphism, cytokines, interleukins, toll-like receptors, genetic markers.
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- Чоп этиш санаси: 2.06.2023
- DOI:
- Сон: 3.1 ( 2023 ). Biologiya va tibbiyot muammolari
- Булим: Клиник тадқиқотлар
Ziyadullaev Sh.Kh., Rustamov A.A., Voseyeva D.H. GENETIC RISK FACTORS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLERGIC DISEASES IN PATIENTS AFTER COVID-19// Проблемы биологии и медицины. - 2023. №3.1. Том. 145. - С. 116-118. DOI: -
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